In transportation, there are four reports that most employers will request when reviewing...
In transportation, there are four reports that most employers will request when reviewing applicants for driving positions at their company. These are:
In this four-part series, we’ll review these primary reports you need when screening your drivers, as well as best practices when ordering them from Driver iQ, Cisive’s transportation employment screening division.
PRE stands for Previous Record of Employment. Driver iQ has a proprietary previous employment database of more than 4.3 million records, with records added daily. Some of the largest carriers in the nation share their employment records exclusively with Driver iQ. Head-to-head comparisons by Driver iQ clients have found that Driver iQ more frequently holds records on drivers who are currently churning in the industry.
Under Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) guidelines, transportation companies are required to verify employment history for the previous three years on those applying to operate a commercial motor vehicle. It’s also important to know if your applicants are qualified through a driver education program. In addition to employment records, the PRE report includes driver school record verification from many schools across the nation.
Driver iQ’s PRE reports include the following features:
Driver iQ provides a few reminders when ordering a PRE report:
Driver iQ can provide carriers with current and accurate previous records of employment as required by the FMCSA. Driver iQ can also handle the Verifications of Employment (VOE) process for clients. The VOE is called a SingleCheck report, and carriers utilizing SingleCheck often provide current and previous employment information to Driver iQ.
Many carriers receive credits for providing employment records to Driver iQ. Contact Amy Bricken to get started!
In transportation, there are four reports that most employers will request when reviewing...
In transportation, there are four reports that most employers will request when reviewing...
In transportation, there are four reports that most employers will request when reviewing...