
Top 5 Nursing School Background Check Services 2024

  • February 1, 2024
  • Cisive Staff
  • Approx. Read Time: 7 Minutes
  • Updated on February 7, 2025
Top 5 Nursing School Background Check Services in 2024

Nursing school background check services can help simplify the candidate screening process whether assessing prospective employees or students.

These comprehensive solutions can ensure your school complies with all industry standards and accreditation requirements. 


This guide on nursing background checks for 2024 covers the following topics: 

    • Nursing background checks can include a combination of criminal background checks, social media checks, drug screening, immunization tracking, and employment and education verification

    • When comparing background checking services, be sure to see exactly what screening services they provide, if they offer consistent and ongoing customer support, and pricing details. 

    • PreCheck offers end-to-end background checks that can help you streamline the candidate screening process and better protect your school from liability and compliance issues. 

    • While some companies can deliver background screening reports in less than 24 hours, comprehensive screenings can take several days to complete.  

    • Make sure to read the terms and conditions of any contract before choosing the right screening service company.  Some companies have minimum monthly requirements, which could increase the cost of services if you're not careful. 

Studies show that as high as 58% of employers have caught prospective candidates lying on their resume or job application and over 60% of potential students have lied on college applications.

With this many applicants failing to provide accurate and relevant information on their applications, nursing schools must protect themselves by conducting comprehensive background checks. 

The fastest and easiest way to conduct a background check is through a partnership with a background check services company. 



Key Takeaways

Keep reading to learn more about the top nursing background check services for 2024, including: 

        • Find out what information is included in a nursing background check. 
        • Learn more about the factors to consider when searching for the right background check service company for your school. 
        • Find out what the top five nursing background check services are for 2024. 
        • Find out what makes PreCheck’s background check services the best option for nursing school today. 


Table of Contents

  1. What is a Nursing School Background Check?
  2. Considerations for Choosing a Nursing Background Check Service 
  3. PreCheck 
  4. GoodHire 
  5. iprospectcheck 
  6. PreHire Screening Services 
  7. Reliable Background Screening
  8. The Number One Choice


What is a Nursing School Background Check? 

A nursing background check can help verify that the information on a job or student application, such as education and employment history, is correct.

It can also check to make sure the applicant doesn’t have any criminal history, including misdemeanors or felonies. 

The Joint Commission often requires nursing school staff and students to successfully pass a background check prior to school admittance or entering the hiring process with healthcare organizations.

Depending on your school’s specific requirements, you may also want to conduct additional testing, such as drug screening or a social media check. 

Comprehensive nursing school background checks cover a wide range of factors, including 

    • Local, state, and national criminal background check 
    • Sexual offender registry search 
    • SSN death index 
    • Domestic Watchlist 
    • SanctionCheck® exclusion screening 
    • Immunization tracking 
    • Drug screening 


Nursing School 1

Considerations for Choosing a Nursing Background Check Service

When conducting nursing background checks, there are several things you should consider, including: 


Comprehensive Solutions 

When researching nursing background check service companies, be sure to find out exactly what types of factors it tracks. At a minimum, you want to work with a company that offers a comprehensive criminal history check, and drug screening that complies with nursing industry standards.  


Pricing and Monthly Requirements 

Whether your school is paying for these nursing background checks itself or you request your applicants to pay for these services, you always want to consider costs. Additionally, keep in mind that some background screening companies require you to submit a set number of requests each month. 


Customer Support 

Don't work with a background screening company that doesn't offer effective customer support. Before entering into a contract, make sure you know who you can contact about questions or concerns and when they are available. 





1. PreCheck 

Rating: 4.6 out of 5 stars based on 76 reviews on G2


Key Features: 

    • More than 25 years of experience in healthcare background check services 
    • Customizable service solutions for nursing schools of all sizes 
    • End-to-end nursing background checks 
    • Customized drug testing with electronic chain of command 

PreCheck's nursing background check tool provides end-to-end solutions for nursing schools, whether it's screening prospective students or potential staff members. Its customizable solutions are ideal for nursing schools of all sizes. 

For over 25 years, PreCheck has handled comprehensive criminal history checks, efficient drug screening, and immunization tracking services for nursing schools across the country.

Its nursing background checks meet all industry and accreditation standards to ensure its clients remain in full compliance, and PreCheck's accuracy helps healthcare organizations make informed hiring decisions and ensure patient safety. 

It offers a vast network of drug screening collection sites and allows clients to create a customized screening process. Additionally, PreCheck uses an electronic chain of command system to ensure the integrity of all drug testing. 



GoodHire Logo


2. GoodHire 

Rating: 4.6 out of 5 stars based on 273 reviews on G2


Key Features: 

    • Bulk ordering available for multiple background checks 
    • Automate adjudication solutions to speed up the application screening process 
    • Easy-to-view background check results 
    • 10-panel drug screening process 

Good Hire’s comprehensive nurse background checks include criminal history checks, drug screening, civil court checks, employment verification, and education verification.

It offers bulk ordering solutions that allow schools to have multiple background checks performed simultaneously to provide faster results.  

Good Hire’s easy-to-use platform allows school administrators to track and check background information as results come in quickly.

Additionally, it provides an automated adjudication system that instantly flags potential issues with nursing job or student candidates and identifies candidates with no relevant issues.  

While Good Hire has several pre-built packages available, it also offers customized services. These solutions allow nursing schools to obtain specific background check services that work best for their company. 



iProspect Logo


3. iprospectcheck 

Rating: There are currently no ratings for inprospectcheck or its SwiftHire mobile tool on G2


Key Features: 

    • Average background screenings can be completed in less than 24 hours 
    • On-site drug screening 
    • Specialized background check packages for nursing 
    • Includes SwiftHire mobile tool 

Iprospectcheck provides comprehensive nurse background checks, employment history and education verification services, and on-site drug screenings. They provide these services for both medical students and nursing school staff.  

It’s an entirely U.S.-based company that offers personalized customer service to help answer any questions or concerns you may have.  

Iprospectcheck’s easy-to-use platform allows school administrators to view the results for their entire nursing staff or student body in one convenient portal. These solutions can also be fully integrated with numerous HRIS platforms.  

Its SwiftHire mobile tool allows candidates to easily enter their information to improve efficiency, convenience, and speed.

This added feature can help streamline the application screening process and allows your school to make faster decisions about hiring and student acceptances.  



PreHire Logo


4. PreHire Screening Services 

Rating: 4.3 out of 5 stars based on 10 reviews on G2


Key Features: 

    • No setup fees or monthly quotas required 
    • Dedicated account manager 
    • Clients receive a free website for a simplified background screening process 
    • Customized solutions available 

PreHire Screening Services has been providing background check services and pre-hire assessment solutions for over 35 years. As a nationwide service company, its easy-to-use platform integrates with over 100 HR software tools. 

The company prioritizes comprehensive background results over speed. So, while it may take a few extra days to receive the results, you can rest assured that the reports will be accurate and current.  

Fortunately, its services don’t include any setup fees, and there are no monthly quota requirements. These features could make PreHire Screening Services a good option for nursing schools whose background check needs fluctuate from month to month. 

Clients receive a dedicated account manager who is available to answer any questions pertaining to their account or background results.

Additionally, the company offers free websites for each client, which can allow for a seamless background-checking process for both the nursing school and nursing candidates.  



Reliable Logo


5. Reliable Background Screening 

Rating: There are currently no ratings for Reliable Background Screening on G2. 


Key Features: 

    • Background check covers all 50 states 
    • Secure, online portal available 24/7 
    • Customer services agents available Monday through Friday 
    • Continuous monitoring services available 

Reliable Background Screening provides criminal background checks, drug screenings, and social media checks for employment purposes and student applicants. It focuses on providing up-to-date information that combines data from all 50 states.  

Its online, secure portal is available 24/7, allowing nursing school administrators to submit requests and view information any time of the night or day. Customer service agents are available to answer any questions or address concerns Monday through Friday. 

In addition to pre-built packages, customized service plans are also available to ensure clients receive the exact services they need. 

If required, you can also arrange for continuous monitoring services. These services will alert the school if any background check information changes for selected students or staff members.  

Be sure to carefully evaluate any background screening company you are considering before signing any contract. The most important thing is to find a nursing background check company that has the right services and fits your budget. 


PreCheck - The Number One Choice 

While all the nursing school background check service companies on our list offer great solutions, PreCheck stands out above the rest. Not only does this company offer more than 25 years of background screening experience specific to the healthcare industry, but it also offers customized solutions for nursing schools of all sizes. 

Most importantly, PreCheck uses comprehensive background screening tools to provide the most accurate, up-to-date results possible, allowing you to make informed hiring decisions. These efficient services can give your company peace of mind, knowing that PreCheck’s results meet all industry standards. 

Speak to a nursing school screening expert today.  




How long do nursing background checks take?

While some companies advertise background check results in as little as 24 hours, the reality is that it could take a few days to complete. Results could take longer if students or prospective employees fail to provide all the necessary information or provide false details.


Screen smarter, hire safer. Get the right talent to drive your success. Speak to an expert.


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